Sunday, February 17, 2013

Team Video Page

A few FYI's about the below videos.  They are all hosted on YouTube with a private setting - meaning the only way to get to them is from here or by knowing the exact URL.  They all have music - which creates the problems.  All the below will work just fine on a desktop PC.  Any of the below may or may not work on a phone, laptop or tablet.  That's because the music label hasn't licensed the song to be played on a mobile device.  There's no way to know what songs will work or not work ahead of time and they often change the licensing.  Good luck and enjoy!

01/06/15 - Rebecca Cobb 1000th Point

03/04/13 - Neptune @ Freehold Boro CJ G3 Championship

02/26/13 - Camerin Spahn 1000th Point

02/12/13 - Kim Dana 1000th Point

02/11/13 - Pasta Party #2

01/17/13 - Neptune @ Freehold Boro Highlight Reel

01/15/13 - Middletown South @ Freehold Boro Highlight Reel

01/07/13 - Pizza Party #1

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